SBJ Affiliate Marketing

Refer and Earn

I’m excited to welcome you to my affiliate program, where you can share pages, posts, and products from my website and earn a 10% commission on every sale you generate (and monthly commissions for recurring services!)

You can easily track your earnings through your dashboard, which shows clicks, leads, and sales from your links. This transparency helps you see what’s working and optimize your efforts. One of the great benefits of using this platform is the potential for long-term income. Even if a lead doesn’t make a purchase on their first visit, your affiliate link is remembered. If they return and make a purchase later, you’ll still earn a commission. This means your efforts can continue to generate income long after the initial interaction. For our services offered on a monthly basis, you’ll earn recurring commissions for as long as the customer remains subscribed. This means a single sale can continue generating income for you over time.

First, register for free. Once you’re registered, you’ll receive unique affiliate link tied to my website. You can always edit the link later. These links track the traffic and sales you generate, helping you earn commissions. To start earning, you can share any page, post, or product from my website using your affiliate links. Simply find the content you want to share, and add your custom code to the link for that specific page or product. Promote the links on your blog, social media, email list and everything in between. Create custom posts, write review or showcasing products and services in your videos. The more engaging and authentic your promotion, the better your chances of generating clicks and sales.

That’s all it takes! By sharing my content and using your affiliate links, you can start earning commissions on every sale, both now and in the future. We’re thrilled to have you as part of our affiliate program and look forward to our success together. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s get started and make some great things happen!